By Annette Ramsey,
a research from

What are Organic Superfoods?
By definition,
superfoods are those foods that are naturally concentrated to provide all the
nutritional elements that are essential for good health. Superfoods are high in
antioxidants, are good source of healthy fats and fibers, and they contain
phytochemicals that are known to help protect the body and promote cellular
wellness. Some of the common superfoods are green leafy vegetables, wheat
grass, spirulina, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, seaweeds, coconut oil, broccoli,
and nettle.
Benefits of Organic
- Green leafy vegetables can lower the risk of heart diseases and cancer. They contain high doses of chlorophyll, proteins, enzymes and a wide range of vitamins and minerals that make them as good mini-transfusions for the blood, cleanser of the kidneys, and health tonic for the brain and immune system.
- Wheat grass is excellent for promoting healthy blood, normalizes the thyroid gland to stimulate metabolism which will assist in proper digestion. The high enzyme content of wheat grass and its cleansing effect aids in weight loss.
- Spirulina is a good food for people with diabetes as it helps control blood sugar levels and cravings. It can also assist in weight loss and can be used as a general nutritional supplement.
- The compounds contained in blueberries can help protect the heart and impede the growth of cancer cells. Also, the anthocyanins found in blueberries, as studies suggest, can slow down and may even reverse age-related memory loss and decline in cognitive function.
- Sweet potatoes are low in calories but rich in fiber, potassium, manganese, and vitamin A, C, and B6. They are good for diabetics as they help stabilize blood sugar.
- Chia seeds are high in calcium, a nutrient that is needed to promote healthy bones. They are rich in plant-based omega-3 fatty acids that help improve cholesterol levels and the health of the heart.
- Seaweeds help in the regulation and purification of our blood system. Seaweeds boost weight loss, reduce cellulite build-up and stimulate lymphatic drainage.
- Coconut oil helps in weight loss by speeding up one’s metabolism so the body will burn more calories. It is used as anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agent.
- Broccoli is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. It contains a chemical that helps fight prostate cancer.
- Nettles help in bowel movement, increase
thyroid function, and boost metabolism.