
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Managing Hot Flushes In Menopausal Women
Hot flushes are one of the most common symptoms that a woman will feel during her menopausal period. Other manifestations that a woman may experience during menopause are pain during intercourse, being anxious and frequent urination. But among all, hot flushes are mostly experienced by all.

Now, what are hot flushes? Women know that they have hot flushes when they feel a heat sensation that starts in the face and all through the body. Increased heart rate, flushed face, sweating and chills can also be experienced.

Vasomotor symptom is another term used for hot flushes. This means that this symptom has a huge effect in a woman’s both vascular and motor systems. There is no definite time a woman can feel hot flushes but it attacks commonly at night that is why it is often called night sweats.

It depends on a woman the severity if this symptom. But as a woman gets older, the severity decreases. There are strategies and techniques discovered by many people to help many menopausal women to manage this symptom which they can integrate in their daily lives. 

There are many factors that can trigger hot flushes and these should be avoided. Smoking, caffeine ingestion, spicy foods, tight-fitting clothes and stress are some of such. Exercise and meditation are known to be relieved from hot flushes. Also, consuming vitamin E and B can help in relieving the symptom.

But aside from the many home remedies and modifications that a woman could do, taking medications is also effective but make sure that you get it from your doctor. These medications include antidepressants, anti hypertensive, and contraceptives. Although these medications can contribute to the relief of hot flushes, these are not really meant for this. Improper usage may lead to serious illness eventually.

But what is gaining popularity these days is hormone replacement therapy. This is known to be very effective that is why many people are going for this option. What is good about this is that hot flushes are not the only symptom treated by this therapy but symptoms of perimenopause as well. Using medications for a very long time can make a person develop cancer and blood clot which may lead to stroke so hormone replacement therapy is better.
BHRT or Bio identical hormone replacement is another option which uses hormones coming from plants that is known to relieve symptoms of menopause.

Being in a menopausal stage is not easy so symptoms should be managed well with the help of a doctor.

Source: An online site that helps women how to deal menopause and flushes properly.


  1. There are plenty of uncomfortable symptoms associated with menopause. One of these is hot flushes. Good thing there are ways on how to manage such symptom. Other menopausal symptoms will include insomnia, mood swings, and headaches.

  2. It will be years until I undergo through this painful and uncomfortable phase but I find it worthwhile reading posts about this as early as now. I really want to be prepared even at my current age. Thanks very much for posting such an informative article.

    1. I feel the same. Reading articles like this is really very helpful and useful. It helps you be ready when time comes.

  3. I totally agree with Abigail Mae. It's really great to read posts like this since it can help me prepare for that terrifying menopausal stage. I'm sure there will also be newer procedures or treatments for hot flushes in the future and I hope you can share them those here, too.

  4. Menopause is a stage in life that women will definitely experience once they age. These tips will certainly help lots of women worldwide. It will also help them understand what is normal and when to see a doctor.
