
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Choosing Healthy Rewards On Your Cheat Day

When it comes to strict diet, a lot of people really find it hard to stick to it especially if they are always presented with a lot of tempting options. It is even harder if they spent most of their life eating anything and everything presented to them.

Choosing to be healthy can be an unfamiliar, stressful thing, which is why so many people fail at it. But health experts claim that being fit and healthy shouldn’t be too frustratingly difficult.
With the right programme, you can shed those unwanted pounds without ever feeling deprived of the things that you want to eat and do. A cheat day is what many health experts suggest. A lot of programmes these days actually include a cheat day. This is the day when you reward yourself for being particularly good for the past week. Some people claim that it’s the day you gain back all the pounds you’ve shed, which is definitely not right.

The important thing to remember when during cheat days is to always choose the food wisely. Always east everything in moderation-just to satisfy your cravings to have a taste of those types of food that you are not allowed to eat when on a diet.

Author: Denise Black- She is a magazine editor who works hard to become fit and healthy. She greatly encourages having a cheat day to relax and give yourself a break from all those strict diet routines. Know more about this here.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Managing Hot Flushes In Menopausal Women
Hot flushes are one of the most common symptoms that a woman will feel during her menopausal period. Other manifestations that a woman may experience during menopause are pain during intercourse, being anxious and frequent urination. But among all, hot flushes are mostly experienced by all.

Now, what are hot flushes? Women know that they have hot flushes when they feel a heat sensation that starts in the face and all through the body. Increased heart rate, flushed face, sweating and chills can also be experienced.

Vasomotor symptom is another term used for hot flushes. This means that this symptom has a huge effect in a woman’s both vascular and motor systems. There is no definite time a woman can feel hot flushes but it attacks commonly at night that is why it is often called night sweats.

It depends on a woman the severity if this symptom. But as a woman gets older, the severity decreases. There are strategies and techniques discovered by many people to help many menopausal women to manage this symptom which they can integrate in their daily lives. 

There are many factors that can trigger hot flushes and these should be avoided. Smoking, caffeine ingestion, spicy foods, tight-fitting clothes and stress are some of such. Exercise and meditation are known to be relieved from hot flushes. Also, consuming vitamin E and B can help in relieving the symptom.

But aside from the many home remedies and modifications that a woman could do, taking medications is also effective but make sure that you get it from your doctor. These medications include antidepressants, anti hypertensive, and contraceptives. Although these medications can contribute to the relief of hot flushes, these are not really meant for this. Improper usage may lead to serious illness eventually.

But what is gaining popularity these days is hormone replacement therapy. This is known to be very effective that is why many people are going for this option. What is good about this is that hot flushes are not the only symptom treated by this therapy but symptoms of perimenopause as well. Using medications for a very long time can make a person develop cancer and blood clot which may lead to stroke so hormone replacement therapy is better.
BHRT or Bio identical hormone replacement is another option which uses hormones coming from plants that is known to relieve symptoms of menopause.

Being in a menopausal stage is not easy so symptoms should be managed well with the help of a doctor.

Source: An online site that helps women how to deal menopause and flushes properly.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Knowing More About Dealing With Menopause Symptoms

When it comes to menopause stage, a lot of people agree that it is one of the most depressing, annoying and boring times in a woman’s life. You may experience weight gain, sleepless nights and night sweats, unusual mood swings, red blotches and sudden feeling of heat. But it is part and parcel of ageing, of moving to another cycle in your life.

The good news is that with studies revealing better treatments, from hormone replacement therapy to botanical herbs, and medical centers focusing on menopause, you now have a greater chance of dealing with this. No matter what menopause symptoms you are experiencing today, know that you can do several simple things to prevent such symptoms form disrupting your life.

As always, you will want to check with your physician about making certain changes to your diet or your day-to-day activities before you do them to make sure they are safe for your particular condition. Check out the following tips you might find helpful during your menopausal condition.

1. Get daily exercise. The importance of getting fit and active cannot be stressed enough. Exercise is good when you are young and it is especially critical when you age. Getting fit during menopause helps you achieve the following: deal with stress, improve your circulation and heart function, and decrease bone loss and blood cholesterol levels. Also, exercising can help keep the excess weight off.

2. Include soy in your every meal. According to online medical sources, there is no solid proof that soy can actually diminish the hot flushes but some soy studies have shown hope that it can treat the symptom. Consult your doctor or nutritionist about the amount of serving and frequency for consuming tofu, soy beans, soy milk, and other soy products.

3. Avoid fatty foods and start eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Fibre, vitamins, minerals, low fat — vegetable and fruits offer similar benefits that most meat-based diets can deliver, but without the risk of allowing you to develop cardiovascular diseases and other medical conditions. Because menopause can make you more vulnerable to health issues such as osteoporosis and heart problems, you need to eat better food that can protect you against diseases. Consider superfoods such as strawberries, apples, asparagus, bell peppers, wheat, and sweet potatoes.

Source: - this is a website that provides helpful information about managing menopause and its symptoms. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Bondi Junction Osteopathic Clinic Discusses What Osteopathy Is

Osteopathy or osteopathic medicine is gaining popularity these days. This is a distinct form of medical practice that will provide all of the benefits of modern medicine which include surgery, medications and the utilization of technology in order to diagnose various diseases as well as evaluate injury. Moreover, it offers the added benefits of hands-on diagnosis and treatment via a system of therapy called osteopathic manipulative medicine. This therapy will emphasize helping every person achieve a high level of wellness through health promotion and disease prevention.

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Osteopathic physicians, commonly known as DOs will work in partnership with their patients. Indeed, they focus mostly on the impact that lifestyle and community have on the health of every person, and they work to break down various barriers to good health. They provide care through a holistic approach or by integrating the patient into the health care process being a partner. Moreover, they are trained to communicate with people having different backgrounds. In fact, these health professionals can practice in all types of environments which include military, and in all types of specialties like obstetrics, surgery and family medicine.

The key concept of this kind of primary care is the body’s ability to heal itself. A lot of osteopathic manipulative techniques are focused on reducing or eradicating the impediments to function so that the self-healing mechanism can assume its role in restoring a person’s health. For more info, click here.