
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Important Reminders About Saliva Test For Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue is a medical condition experienced by people who have poor working adrenal glands due to emotional, physical and mental stress. Unfortunately, such condition cannot be diagnosed accurately through traditional blood tests. As such, one has to undergo Adrenocortex Stress test or more popularly known as saliva test for adrenal fatigue.

Adrenocortex stress test is done to gauge one’s DHEA and Cortisol. It is carried out 4 different times in a day to effectively measure how a person responds to stress. The collection process may take 10-20 minutes.

Here are some important notes when collecting saliva specimen for this test:

  • On the day of the collection: No caffeine, alcohol, as well as nicotine intake.
  • Two hours before: No eating, flossing or brushing of teeth. Use of mouthwash is also prohibited. Patient may drink water but only in small amount.
  • One hour prior to collection: No smoking (as mentioned above).
  • Before starting with the collection process, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated all through the day in order for your saliva production to be at its best. You can run your tongue around your checks, smell some food or yawn to escalate your saliva flow.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Discovering The Several Benefits Of Organic Body Products
There are many ways you can take care of your skin. Most commonly though, you use lotions, creams, oils and body was to do it. These are just some of the many other body care products that you can find in the market these days, offering different benefits for your body. However, the use of these products have not only been proven to take so much of your time, but also your money. You can be spending a lot on these just to achieve a healthier and better looking skin.

Every day, you need to fulfill your routine by using these products thinking that they can all do you good. What you must know though that not all of these can be effective. Some may even cause you more harm than good. Most of these offerings bring toxic and harmful chemicals that can cause skin deterioration.

The harmful ingredients in most of these products include cyclomethicone, mercury, nitrosamines, polyethylene glycol, and others. In fact, these ingredients will not only cause damage on your skin but also to your health and to the environment. You will know what disorders you have acquired when you get your blood checked.

Alternatively, more and more people look into the organic body products for a more effective and healthier option. These products work differently from the others. They do not cause harm to the environment and to your health. These are just some of the several benefits you can get from the organic ones.

Organic skin care products do not use synthetic or toxic ingredients to keep your body looking dewy and gorgeous. You get a holistic approach to skin care. The chosen ingredients are not simply organic and sustainable for the environment but, with the best brands, are also sourced ethically. This means that the brand was careful about where it got its raw materials. Wouldn’t your skin feel much better with organic skin care products when you use ethical brands?

Using only certified plant ingredients, you can be assured that these body products contain good levels of amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and enzymes among others. By using the organic ones, you can enjoy cleansing, detoxification, hydration, purification and protection. Get more information here.

It is important to make sure that you only get organic products from reliable stores. Read the labels first so you will know what kind of creams and oils you are dealing with. You will know if a product is organic if the labels on it say it. You need to know how real the product is before using it.